Monday, September 16, 2013

The Next Best Thing (2000)

Check out the all-new page for THE NEXT BEST THING at SET-JETTER.COM

Ok, so I obviously have a love for Madonna... her movies... not as much.   She is much more impressive in her videos, some of which I set-jetted below.   Nonetheless, I scouted out some locations for her 2000 flick, The Next Best Thing.

Here are links to other Madonna video or movie locations and shows:
   Evening With Madonna - Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project
   GAP commercial
   La Isla Bonita
   Like A Prayer (video)
   Like A Prayer (album)
   Material Girl
   Next Best Thing
   What It Feels Like For A Girl

First up, the house, which looks pretty much the same but has a new wall to block out the street.


Comparison shots....

Next up, the restaurant where Madonna eats meat (gasp!)...   Yes, I had to sit in her same exact spot.  No, I didn't eat a burger....


Comparison shot....

The grocery store.... minor location, but I had to do it and it was only a mile from my hotel....


Comparison shot....

The school... The tree where Rupert stands is no longer there, but a new one has been recently replanted in the same spot....


Comparison shots....

And finally, the ending scene on the hilltop street.....


Comparison shots....


  1. I love this! I am someone who greatly admires Madonna, and without her my life would not be complete.

  2. what is the name of the street abbie's house is on?

  3. Could you please tell me where the Madonna character's house is ? Thx

  4. Hello, where was Ruperts house? Also curious which cemetery they used to film the funeral

    1. Rupert's house is at 2000 De Mille Drive. Unfortunately this is in a gated neighborhood so I can't get access for pictures, but you can see it here:

    2. Hello Robert ! Thank you for those Nice détails . I was wondering if the interior of the Abbi house was thé réal interior of thé house in Moreno drive ? And from google Maps, it seems now thé house is destroyed…. Thank you for your infos… ! Chris (Madonna fan)

  5. Hello Robert ! Thank you so much for the détails ! I was wondering if the interiors of Abby house in the movie is the real interior of thé house at Moreno drive ? Or was it in studio ? It seems now from Google map that thé house is being destroyed …. Thank you for your additional infos ! Chris , Switzerland (big madonna fan )

    1. Not sure about the interiors. The house is still there on Google Maps as of their May 2022 update. The only change is the two small windows above the garage were made into one big window.
