Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)

I kinda enjoyed this movie when it came out, but not really a favorite of mine.  Chas had asked me to help him find the houses, which I was able to locate after some careful street sign scrutinty!

Here is the boys' house....


And their girlfriends' house nearby....


The drive-thru... obviously not Chinese food...


and then...

and then...

and then...

The boys bump into Christie Boner in Sierra Madre.... a well known location that I've visited as a site for Halloween II and III...

The first couple of shots are from 2007 and the awning is still the same as it was in the movie...

A year later, the awning has changed....


I saw Ashton at Sundance last year...

And Jennifer of course is one of my favorites....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Desperate Housewives (revisited)

Another visit to Universal, another visit to Wisteria Lane....  these were taken in July 2010....

And some more shots at the magic hour....

I saw Felicity Huffman after a Broadway show, no stopping for her or her husband though!