Friday, July 18, 2014

Ouija (2014)

UPDATE: Check out the new OUIJA page at SET-JETTER.COM

Scheduled for release in October 2014, Ouija looks like we finally have a Witchboard successor.  Starring the great Olivia Cooke from Bates Motel, after seeing the trailer tonight I knew the house looked familiar.  It was also "grandma's house" in Phantasm II....


UPDATE September 2014:  While I was in the area, I thought I would grab some more shots of the house in anticipation of the film's release...

UPDATE October 2014:

A few more shots of the house while I was on the street....

And a few houses down is another house seen in the film....

And the diner seen in the film....

The "asylum"....


  1. Hi Robert is this in Santa Paula?

  2. Hi Robert, where is the location of the Victorian house (also in Phantasm) thanks

  3. Where is the a insane asylum located at ?

  4. Where is the Asylum located at

  5. Hi Robert, do you know where Laine & Sarah's house is located?

  6. Hello Gang :) Does anyone know if the house theme of the film (306 Loma Drive, Los Angeles) that the inside of the house in the film is real? I mean, they really had filmed inside this maion or they are reproduced inside a soundstage? In the film ... inside looks amazing :)

    I thank you and waiting for you!

  7. Replies
    1. john muir high school in pasadena

    2. 2nd İn Batıkent Kardelen School, 3rd İn Fatih Uzun Yusuf School and 4rd İn Mahmutlar Şükrü Kaptanoğlu High School.

  8. Hi,
    I am a crazy Ouija fan and I was thinking about visiting the locations from the movie once I'm in La (I'm from Europe). Visiting movie locations is actually something on my bucketlist :p
    I know that the house has been for sale ever since the movie got released but i was wondering: do people actually live there?
    I can already see myself ''fan girling'' on the porch, knocking on the door and looking through the windows like some creepy stalker.
    I don't want to bother the resident (might there be one), or is it jus tan empty house waiting to be sold.
    I am for sure, checking out Cindy’s coffeeshop.
    And do ouija fans visit the house often and what was your experience?
    I am kind of new to this.
    Waiting for a response! :)

    1. People live there, so it's best not to disturb the residents or trespass. Depending on the situation, you can sometimes ask permission. Cindy's Coffeeshop was just featured in Justin Timberlake's new video which I featured here:

  9. Hi everyone. The fortune tellers house is 5915 echo st. but what city?? What is the address to cindyś coffee shop and what city and the same for the other house from this film??? what happened to ur blog page on the slumber pary massacre page??? Thakn u for all this cool info and u keep up the cool things u do. Do u try to look up movies filmed florida, nad louisian are just in california are canada??? If u do are can iam trying to find the locations for the bar/club,the area where the drone took off in the city and u can see a seven eleven in backgeound,the motelin the blair with that came out in 2016. Thank u for ur time.

    1. See above comments, it's in the Highland Park area of Los Angeles. The coffee house is at 1500 Colorado Blvd in the Eagle Rock area of LA.

      The blog page for Slumber Party Massacre is still there: 1500 Colorado Blvd

      As you will see in my website, I do locations all over the country.

      Are you talking about the Blair Witch movie?

  10. This movie's school scene in 2nd Movie İn Batıkent Kardelen School, 3rd Movie İn Fatih Uzun Yusuf School and 4th Movie İn Mahmutlar Şükrü Kaptanoğlu Highschool.

  11. 2nd Movie's Locations Are Güven Petek Sitesi

  12. Where is the underground tunnels locate? The scene where there was a girl running/jogging

